Sexual Harassment

This is a topic I am particularly sensitive about.  I was watching the news today and a man that sexually assaulted an 11 year old girl was sentenced to 10 years in jail, I was mad!!! Yes thank God he was caught and sentenced but seriously these bastards really should not be allowed to live amongst civilized people.... his sentence should have been longer (I'd even prefer it if he was killed). It is quite sad and I'm sure most women can testify to this that there is hardly any woman that has not been sexually harassed at one time or the other. Yep even me with my flat butt and flat breasts, I have been sexually harassed. Like what even goes on in their heads that makes them harass women? It isn't fun at all and most of us have been traumatised so badly we can't trust anyone anymore. To make things worse it's people that are usually close to us that do such, fathers raping daughters, friends raping friends and yes husbands raping wives or you hug someone (a supposed friend) and his hands travel down to your butt and unfortunately most women cannot talk or complain about it. I remember when a friend of my ex (he wasn't my ex at that time) kept on touching my butt at every chance he was disgusting and I kept on telling myself I would speak up and wouldn't let him do that to me again but every single time I kept quiet and endured it, why? Because I was scared. I'm not sure why I was scared but I just couldn't speak up, now i know I should have spoken up and stopped the harassment. The man that abused the 11 year old girl was caught because she spoke up and told her teacher about it (thank God for good people in this world). Please speak up and don't keep quiet if you're being abused or harassed whether you're a girl or boy, we still have good people in this world that can help. Finally I leave you with this video teaching children how to speak up if they are being sexually harassed... I'm sure we can all learn a thing or two from it๐Ÿ˜


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