
I have been thinking a lot lately about my future mostly, and I realised as Nigerians from birth we have been pressured on so many issues. When a child is born, the child must look right especially if it's a girl, she must have shape or else the grandmother will mould her shape by force, then we're pressured to sit, talk, walk and once the child is one year old off to school he or she goes. In primary school we're pressured to be to be first (unfortunately this doesn't stop till you die), pressured to pass common entrance exams into the best secondary schools, if you get a scholarship even better. In secondary school the pressure to be first comes again, then you're expected to be a prefect in school, oh...lets not forget gce, waec, neco, jamb and post jamb, then there's the question of what you should study and the university you should attend. Fast forward to university days...the pressure to get a first class and still not be a social outcast comes. Let's note that by this time you are physically and mentally exhausted and you just want to graduate especially if you went to a strict school like mine. You eventually graduate and think you're free...then comes the pressure of being posted to the state you want for nysc and also getting that job you've always wanted. You eventually make it in life (See what i did?) and then the next pressure is thrown in your face, where's your husband or wife ? Your mates are already married with children, when are you going to give me grandchildren? (let's keep in mind that all through your schooling days you were expected to remain single😏) let's be frank, pressures suck!!! They suck now and they will suck forever. The key is to never let these pressures break you. I've gone through a lot of pressures in this life ( I'm still going through them) and I'm quite sure some people are going through more than I ever will but never for once have I let them overcome me. Have I always succeeded ? No, but I keep on pushing, why? Because giving up sucks more than pressures do ( imagine giving up a day or minute before your breakthrough was meant to come, sucks right?). Unfortunately, there are some people who have given up under these pressures they face and end up being depressed, full of negativity and worse, dead. It won't be easy to keep pushing but be rest assured that with God on your side, and if you don't give up, these pressures will actually help you grow into the best you can be.
So today's post is a bit long, sorry guys I like to talk😁 oh and I'm sorry for not posting on Friday my week has been weird . I'd love to hear what pressures you guys have and i could also help you with them. Comment below or send me an email... I'd love to help. Bye😚


  1. True....for guys d get money quick syndrome....dat some pressure on its own. Nice write up....NEVER GIVE UP....Roja dat😊

    1. Thank you Ikechukwu, never let the get money quick syndrome get to you🤗


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