
I was reading an article today about an accounting boss and all of a sudden I started regretting some of my choices in my university days. In 100 level I still thought I was in secondary school so I played around, in 200 level I let a boy distract me from my academics, I missed internship opportunities because I wasn't informed, all the while I was thinking I was wiser and better than others.  By the time I got to my second semester in 300 level, I started realising that I had made some expensive mistakes right from the beginning but by then it was a little too late to make amends. What are my regrets? I regret the "I cannot come and kill myself" attitude I had to my academics, I regret my foolish pride, I regret not getting rid of my shyness, I regret not working on myself and building my knowledge and experience, I regret not focusing on God on time, I regret my foolish choice in a relationship in my 200 level, I regret not being informed or even trying to be informed...i thought I knew it all (apparently not), I regret not having a mentor, the list of regrets is quite long my dears and I'm sure each and everyone of us has had regrets at one point in our lives. The earlier we have them the better because that way we can sit down and do a 360° review of our lives and figure out what we need to work on or change. I for one I'm ready to work on myself because I am lacking in a lot of areas and I hope you are too. Just do yourself a favour, sit down and examine your life, and ask yourself these questions, do you like the way your life is? Are you going in the direction you want to? What can you work on or change in your life that will move you closer to your goal? Do I even have a goal at all? Who am I looking up to? Do I have good role model? Are the people in my life a blessing or are they toxic? Is God happy with my choices and actions?
These are just a few questions you should ask yourself if you want to know whether you are on the right track in your life, I really hope this post is an eye opener and will help us make better choices in life without regretting them. So this blog post is a lot late and I apologise for that, convocation list came out on Friday and all the excitement of making the list made me forget all about posting. And it's a wrap guys see ya on Friday 😁


  1. But with the regrets u are able to make better decisions for the future

    1. Yes because of the regrets I am able to make better decisions for the future.

  2. So what say you to the mantra "no regrets", to those that say forget about the should haves, could haves or would haves? Focus on now & the future but taking from experience rather than beating ourselves up with regret.

    1. I think you should look back and see all the stuff you could have but didn't have because of the choices you made or things you couldn't control, they will help you make the right decisions at the same time do not let the regret hold you back or don't be stuck in your mistakes rather, learn from them

  3. Glad you made the convocation list.


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